Friday, December 28, 2012

Between 2003 and 2006 - Round Up the Ducks!

My mom and I were in the kitchen. She told me that I needed to go outside and round up all the ducks because they were swimming in the pool (though we have no pool in waking life). So I reluctantly went outside and wondered how to remove the mother duck and her ducklings. My dad was trying to get the young ones out with a big net on a long pole.

There were additional adult ducks waddling around, but I couldn't just grab them because they were poisonous ducks. If they scratched me with their claws or bit me, I would be poisoned. So my dad was showing me the proper way to grab them. It was working until I tried to catch one of the bigger ones (they were all unnaturally large), which put up quite a struggle. I managed to wrestle it into a secure hold, and I was taking the duck through the house and into the other yard where it belonged when I looked down at my leg. It had a long, bleeding, infected looking scratch on it. I showed my mom, who was a bit upset.

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