Saturday, December 29, 2012

Between 2001 and 2003 - Mutant

It was night, and I was in our backyard where my parents were hosting a party. I was doing my best to talk and socialize, but I was distracted. Something felt wrong. I had seen something at the edge of the gathering which didn't look right, and I needed to investigate.


I was getting chased by a creature. It looked like a severely mutated human. I sprinted for the door and found safety inside. Then I ran upstairs and into my room. I looked out my window and saw the creature running on all fours on the roof. I ducked out of sight and moved to the upstairs hallway. I knew the thing was trying to find a way in, and I wanted to make sure everything was locked. I looked across the stairway to the window which looked out over another section of roof. The creature scrambled around to that side of the house a few seconds later. It saw me. At that point I began to really panic, running from room to room, trying to think of the best place to hide out. And from the sounds of things, the creature may have found a way in...


Things were quieter, and I was backstage in a small theater. There were lots of people nearby. The creature showed up, only I was no longer afraid of it. I had found out he was my brother. I led him away from the crowd of people so he wouldn't get confused or upset and go wild again.

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