Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Between 2002 and 2004 - The Ten Sneezes

I was in a doctor's office with my mom. The doctor informed us that I had a rare disease called the "Ten Sneezes". He said that after I sneezed ten times I would die, and on the last sneeze I would infect everyone around me. I got the impression that some of the sneezes would be involuntary. The doctor handed my mom ten tissues to count the sneezes. She started crying.


I was on a boat with my mom. She was taking me to Antarctica so I could be quarantined, with any luck before reaching the final sneeze. I was already three sneezes into it. I told my mom I was going to go take a nap and went below deck where there was a small cot. I had an odd dream involving my missing cat Kepler. I woke up somewhat delirious and thinking about death and how I would soon be with all my cats that had passed away. I tried to communicate this to my mom after I came above deck again, but she just looked at me as if the disease had addled my brain.
Just then there was a loud commotion and Kermit the Frog - who happened to be the ship's captain - came running by, chased relentlessly by an angry mob. Apparently he had contracted the ten sneezes disease as well and was nearing the end of it. Unfortunately, so was I by this time. Two of the men from the mob started chasing me. I ran into an elevator, successfully evading one, but the other managed to follow me. The elevator began malfunctioning, going up and down rapidly.

The man in the elevator was armed with two lethal rubber bands wrapped around his hands. He shot one off his finger, which missed me narrowly and continued to bounce around off the walls. I was jumping to try and avoid getting hit. My timing was bad. I jumped up while the elevator was going down and I nearly hit the ceiling. Then I fell, watching the floor race up towards my face. I hit the floor while simultaneously getting hit by the second rubber band, sneezing the final sneeze, and waking up. I had essentially died in three ways at once.

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