Tuesday, January 8, 2013

September, 2007 - Stretchy Fingers

I had just had a false awakening and I was sitting on my bed. I did the finger count reality check and became lucid. I grabbed my finger and pulled on it, remembering that people said it was fun to stretch fingers in dreams. It didn't work at first. I noticed that my little finger was extremely short. I had some limited success stretching my fingers. I floated down to the floor and stood in front of the mirror in my room. I experimented with changing the color of my clothes. I managed to change my shirt to a light blue and I made the sleeves longer.

The scene changed with my intention, and I was standing outside my house in the driveway. I looked up and to my left and the sky was incredibly beautiful. It turned from night to day as I watched. It was now early in the morning, and the whole neighborhood was quiet. I started to head down the sidewalk to my right, taking big leaps so that I would go through the air in slow motion for a bit before landing again, almost as if gravity had been reduced. I turned to my left at the corner of the block and crossed the street. By now I was leaping up pretty high. People were just starting to come out of their homes, and there were a couple of kids nearby. I showed off my ability to fly, and they were impressed once they realized that I was defying the laws of physics. I continued on for a short time before I lapsed into a normal dream.

Note: This is a good example of how the majority of my lucid dreams have turned out thus far; I will realize I'm dreaming, but forget whatever fantastic goal I may have set for myself while awake. Instead, I'll get caught up in the intricate details of whatever is around me. Sometimes this leads to lapsing back into a normal dream, losing consciousness of my ability to affect my surroundings. Other times, as in this dream, I end up toying with my abilities and being very easily entertained by the slightest alterations I can make. But there is one goal I rarely have difficulty remembering; I never seem to get tired of flying. And really, it's hard to complain after spending the night soaring amongst the stars.

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